Swoose lecturing at Macquarie University
01/01/10 12:00 Filed in: Education
Milton Baar, Director Technology Innovation, is teaching at Macquarie University as an Honorary Associate for 2010. In this capacity, Milton will be lecturing the following courses for the Department of Computing:
ITEC850 - Network Management. This unit covers architecture, analysis, design, standards and migration issues related to the operation, management and control of distributed systems and communication networks for voice, data, image, and networked computing. Initially the focus is on the fundamental building blocks of network management architecture. These basics are built upon by discussing advanced topics including Broadband and Web-based network management, telecommunications management, security management, management platforms and applications/research issues such as delegated agents and management of mobile or ad hoc networks. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/ITEC850
ITEC853 - Systems Administration. While distributed applications are continually being updated and new approaches to implementing data-driven technologies are adopted, there are generic skills and approaches for the successful management of an organisation's computer-based systems. This unit not only examines approaches for managing individual business critical systems (database, network, communications and the like) but also ways in which these systems are most effectively integrated. All levels of implementation are considered, from software to hardware, user to administrator, principles to pragmatics. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/ITEC853
ITEC854 - Information Security Management. This course teaches post-graduate students the practical aspects of Information Security Management and is a core subject in the post-graduate course. The 13 week course as a practical exercise, introducing students to ISO17799, ISO27001 and other frameworks including COBIT, PCIDSS, Sarbanes Oxley and ISM3. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/ITEC854
Additionally, Milton will be lecturing within the Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism and will deliver the following courses:
PICT808 - Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism. This unit will present a high-level overview of how cyberterrorist threats might be conceived in different horizontal applications, network and protocol layers. The unit explores how different vertical industries (e.g. the finance industry) face specific treats from their use of specific protocols and platforms. The "human factor" in dealing with cyberterrorist threats will be emphasised. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/pict808
PICT821 - Assessment of Low Level File and Operating Systems. This unit will examine file systems in several operating systems and within some popular portable electronic devices. This unit examines file structure systems, cache files, logs, operating system artefacts, temporal data, technical search strategies and gives an introduction to forensic software tools and their use in data preservation and recovery. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/pict821
PICT825 - IT Security. T his unit examines IT security including concealment, intrusion analysis, what is in place and how it affects the data under analysis, cryptology, viruses, stenography, malware and IT auditing. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/pict825
Milton is also assisting in the creation of other units leading to a new degree in Computer Forensics, including PICT819 and PICT820. For more information, check the press releases from time to time.
ITEC850 - Network Management. This unit covers architecture, analysis, design, standards and migration issues related to the operation, management and control of distributed systems and communication networks for voice, data, image, and networked computing. Initially the focus is on the fundamental building blocks of network management architecture. These basics are built upon by discussing advanced topics including Broadband and Web-based network management, telecommunications management, security management, management platforms and applications/research issues such as delegated agents and management of mobile or ad hoc networks. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/ITEC850
ITEC853 - Systems Administration. While distributed applications are continually being updated and new approaches to implementing data-driven technologies are adopted, there are generic skills and approaches for the successful management of an organisation's computer-based systems. This unit not only examines approaches for managing individual business critical systems (database, network, communications and the like) but also ways in which these systems are most effectively integrated. All levels of implementation are considered, from software to hardware, user to administrator, principles to pragmatics. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/ITEC853
ITEC854 - Information Security Management. This course teaches post-graduate students the practical aspects of Information Security Management and is a core subject in the post-graduate course. The 13 week course as a practical exercise, introducing students to ISO17799, ISO27001 and other frameworks including COBIT, PCIDSS, Sarbanes Oxley and ISM3. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/ITEC854
Additionally, Milton will be lecturing within the Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism and will deliver the following courses:
PICT808 - Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism. This unit will present a high-level overview of how cyberterrorist threats might be conceived in different horizontal applications, network and protocol layers. The unit explores how different vertical industries (e.g. the finance industry) face specific treats from their use of specific protocols and platforms. The "human factor" in dealing with cyberterrorist threats will be emphasised. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/pict808
PICT821 - Assessment of Low Level File and Operating Systems. This unit will examine file systems in several operating systems and within some popular portable electronic devices. This unit examines file structure systems, cache files, logs, operating system artefacts, temporal data, technical search strategies and gives an introduction to forensic software tools and their use in data preservation and recovery. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/pict821
PICT825 - IT Security. T his unit examines IT security including concealment, intrusion analysis, what is in place and how it affects the data under analysis, cryptology, viruses, stenography, malware and IT auditing. Course details may be found at http://www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2010/Units/PGUnit/pict825
Milton is also assisting in the creation of other units leading to a new degree in Computer Forensics, including PICT819 and PICT820. For more information, check the press releases from time to time.